Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Award-winning Quilts from Morgan Hill Quilt Show

I'm excited to announce that my two quilts that I entered in the Morgan Hill Quilt Show won 2nd and 3rd place in the "More Than 50% applique" category. The second place one called "Wooly Critters" is made with wool and flannel and custom quilted by me with lots of help from Debbie, my boss at Prairie Queens Quilt Shop. I hope you enjoy them!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

5 months until Christmas

I know that idea is ghastly considering that today's high is supposed to reach over 100, but it's true! So to celebrate...ha ha ha....I put together this cute Christmas quilt that has stocking hats with pompoms!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Busy, busy, busy

I've been really busy with samples for the store and as usual have had no time. The end of the school year just about killed me, but now with summer starting and the kids out of school, hopefully I can spend more time working on some of my projects! I have three quilts that were finished. These are Arcadia, Nighty Night Owl, and Apple of My Eye.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring is here!

I know that spring is finally here because our garden has bloomed! Our roses, irises and tulips are all in bloom and we had late rains to help it become green and lush. I have been working on quilts behind the scenes. The girls have been keeping me very busy with school activities and May is set to be a killer month. However, there are I have two completed, including one I've had done since the beginning of the year, just not quilted and then one for our shop. I hope you enjoy Daydreams and Subtle Song.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Simple Choices

Well it's 2012 and I'm finally getting around to blogging again. It seems like the holidays were a blur and I'm trying to get back to quilting. I have finished a couple of quilts, both from a book called Simple Choices. I'm trying to take a life lesson from the title of the book as well. I want this year to be more simple. Last year was just soooo crazy. I'm not sure I'll get my wish, but I'm trying to learn the "No" word. We'll see!