Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Spoolie Bunnie

At PIQF last weekend, I went up and down all the aisles and while I liked alot of what I saw, I really didn't purchase much UNTIL I came across another wonderful pincushion. This one was a bunny and who can't resist a bunny! So here it is.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Winter Stitchery Sampler

I've had a lot of opportunities to sit and work on this stitchery project, but it took me awhile. It is called "Winter" and the red and white fabrics are from Bunny Hill Studios Chelsea Manor. This project also has small wool pieces and once it is quilted, I will add some shimmering clear gems.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's Halloween!!!

I really, really should be doing something else right now, but I get these emails from Jib Jab and made this cute Halloween video. Enjoy!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Spoolie and Yellow Brick Road

I'm working on several projects at the same time and I actually don't like to do that. I'm sorta compulsive about starting and finishing one project at a time, however, my crazy schedule does not allow me to always do that. I got this wonderful pattern from one of our friends and teachers at PQ, Beth Upstill, to make this spoolie bird. I loved it sooo much. I bought a vintage spool from Bunny Hill and made this sweet project. Thanks to Beth for the wonderful wool.

For the store I finished a sweet Yellow Brick Road from a line of fabric called Hopscotch. I finished the binding today and it will be hanging in the store. The fabric has sweet little birdies on it. Hum, do I see a trend????