Sunday, October 4, 2009

Spoolie and Yellow Brick Road

I'm working on several projects at the same time and I actually don't like to do that. I'm sorta compulsive about starting and finishing one project at a time, however, my crazy schedule does not allow me to always do that. I got this wonderful pattern from one of our friends and teachers at PQ, Beth Upstill, to make this spoolie bird. I loved it sooo much. I bought a vintage spool from Bunny Hill and made this sweet project. Thanks to Beth for the wonderful wool.

For the store I finished a sweet Yellow Brick Road from a line of fabric called Hopscotch. I finished the binding today and it will be hanging in the store. The fabric has sweet little birdies on it. Hum, do I see a trend????


Sue said...

Oh Eli, Here you go again! I love the wool bird. I'm itching to try something using that wool. And the new quilt is adorable. See you soon! Sue

Rachael said...

We bought a bunny on a stick at the big quilt show up in Sunnyval, CA. It is cute

Anonymous said...

yummy colors!