Just when things were getting better around the house, bam! I get hit with a really, really nasty cold. It turned into bronchitis and then into a sinus infection. I have more medication than I know what to do with and have gone through too many kleenex boxes to count. I'm hoping this is my one bad cold this season, because I just can't manage it anymore. Anyways, I have managed to finish up several projects during my down time, just very slowly. They are here. Enjoy!
We did have a very productive weekend though even though Mark and I are sick; we managed to get our holiday lights up and Mark put up some new shelves in my quilting/crafting corner so I can spread out more stuff. So hopefully I'm healing and so is Mark and we can have a quiet holiday.
Hey Eli. I was hoping you were getting better. I can't believe you can be so creative when you're so sick. Congratulations!! I love the decorations--that Mark is a jewel for putting them up when he's sick too!! Sue
I HAD so much fun putting up decorations
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